Public Requests Record Log

Request Date Title Requester Status
05/14/2014 Telephone records Canzano, John Records Provided
05/13/2014 Email Communications Daib, Jolene Records Provided
05/13/2014 Correspondence Frisch, Deborah Records Provided
05/13/2014 Student conduct Dietz, Diane Records Provided
05/13/2014 Various documents March 8 to May 12 Smith, Stephen Records Provided
05/13/2014 Letter of intent Hunt,Josh Records Provided
05/12/2014 Employment Contract Lake, Hillary Records Provided
05/12/2014 Reports Iboshi, Kyle Records Provided
05/11/2014 Mirror requests Lake, Hillary Records Provided
05/09/2014 Email Communications Tilkin, Dan Records Provided
05/09/2014 Email Referenced in Register Guard Frisch, Deborah Records Provided
05/09/2014 Student Privacy Form Campbell, Ian Records Provided
05/09/2014 Email Communications Greif, Andrew Records Provided
05/09/2014 Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Records Appleby, Keith No Responsive Records
05/09/2014 Email Communications Tilkin, Dan No Responsive Records
05/08/2014 Email communications Hunt, Josh No Responsive Records
05/08/2014 Email Communications Hunt, Josh Closed
05/08/2014 Email Communications Hunt, Josh Closed
05/08/2014 Email Communications Hunt, Josh No Responsive Records
05/08/2014 Email Communications Vaughan, Ken Records Provided
05/08/2014 Email Communications Hunt, Josh Closed
05/08/2014 Email Communications Hunt, Josh Closed
05/08/2014 Email Communications Hunt, Josh Closed
05/08/2014 Email Communications Hunt, Josh Closed
05/08/2014 Email Communications Canzano, John Records Provided
05/08/2014 Email Communications Iboshi, Kyle Records Provided
05/08/2014 Report Hunt, Josh Records Provided
05/08/2014 Communications Hunt, Josh Closed
05/08/2014 Email Communications Hunt, Josh Closed
05/08/2014 Contracts Harbaugh, Bill No Responsive Records
05/07/2014 communications Campuzano, Eder Records Provided
05/07/2014 UOPD CAD records Campbell, Ian Records Provided
05/06/2014 email communications Brynelson, Troy Records Provided
05/06/2014 Email Communications Woolington, Josephine Records Provided
05/06/2014 email communciations Lake, Hillary Records Provided
05/05/2014 Cover Letters and Resumes Harbaugh, Bill Records Provided
04/29/2014 RFP Responses Cook, Lindsey Request Withdrawn
04/28/2014 Football 2013 ticket scans Cohen, Ben Records Provided
04/28/2014 Bid Tabulation Cathey, John Records Provided
04/25/2014 Award Letter Reed, Tarah Records Provided