
Wilson, William
Wm. WIlson, LLC
Initial Request Date: 
Records Provided
Request Completion Date: 

1.       Any Name, Image, or Likeness, or right of publicity waiver or grant-of-rights, which any student-athlete has been or will be required or asked to sign during 2021;2.       Any Covid-19 or related waiver or release which any student-athlete has been or will be required or asked to sign during 2021;3.       Any FERPA waiver or release which any student-athlete has been or will be required or asked to sign during 2021;4.       Any Name, Image, or Likeness, or right of publicity waiver or grant-of-rights, which any club sport player has been or will be required or asked to sign during 2021;5.       Any Covid-19 or related waiver or release which any club sport participant has been or will be required or asked to sign during 2021;7.   Any Name, Image, or Likeness, or right of publicity waiver or grant-of-rights, which any  non-student-athlete, non-club sport player has been or will be required or asked to sign during 2021;8.       Any Covid-19 or related waiver or release which any non-student-athlete, non-club sport player has been or will be required or asked to sign during 2021;9.       Any FERPA waiver or release which any non-student-athlete, non-club sport player has been or will be required or asked to sign during 2021.

Request ID: 
2022-118, 119, 120