UO Foundation Documents

Harbaugh, Bill
Initial Request Date
Records Provided
Request Completion Date

This is a public records request for the following documents which the UO Foundation is required to provide to UO under the “University Foundation Policy” at  http://policies.uoregon.edu/vol-1-governance/ch-1-governance-board-affairs/university-foundation

a) the documents listed under section 1.4 below (in the case of revisions, I only need the most recent document):


1.4.  An entity seeking recognition as the Foundation shall submit to the president for review its:


 a.     Articles of incorporation;


 b.     Bylaws;


 c.     Any other of its organic or enabling documents; and


 d.     All subsequent amendments.


b) the three most recent annual reports listed under section 6.3 below:


 6.3.  The Foundation shall report gifts to the Foundation and to the University as a result of Foundation activities. Such reports shall be made annually to the president.