We are reviewing the following programs at your institution:
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Early Childhood/Elementary Authorization
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Middle and Secondary Authorization
We have carefully reviewed the catalogs of your institution to identify all required coursework that we need to evaluate these programs against our standards. We use syllabi for our analysis on a number of standards. These syllabi should:
- Be instructor-specific, not departmental. They should be copies of the syllabi provided to students for a specific section
- Include the titles and authors of required textbooks
- List all assignments, quizzes and exams
- Include lecture schedules
- Be from school year 2014-5 or later
- Refer to courses offered in a regular session (i.e., not in summer or winter session), unless the course requested is only offered at those times
Early Reading
Early Reading for English Language Learners
Struggling Readers
Program List
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Early Childhood/Elementary Authorization
- We have identified the following required courses as relevant to these standards. Please provide a syllabus from one specific section of each course, referring to the syllabus guidelines above:
EDST 616 - Language, Power and Education or Cultural Context of Education
EDST 640 - Constructing Meaning Through Literacy
EDST 641 - Developing Thoughtful Literacy Practices
Elementary Mathematics
Program List
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Early Childhood/Elementary Authorization
- We have identified the following courses as relevant to this standard. Please provide the syllabus from one specific section of each course, referring to the syllabus guidelines above:
EDST 620 - Evolution and the Math Wars
EDST 643 - Teaching Mathematics: Facts and Inquiry
EDST 644 - Teaching Mathematics: Inquiry in Context
Classroom Management
Program List
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Early Childhood/Elementary Authorization
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Middle and Secondary Authorization
- All student teaching evaluation forms used at any point (formative and summative) and associated rubrics for the programs listed above.
Fundamentals of Instruction
Program List
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Middle and Secondary Authorization
- All unit and lesson planning templates and associated rubrics used by student teachers during the student teaching experience for the programs listed above.
- We are not collecting material related to this standard for University of Oregon for Teacher Prep Review 2016.
Student Teaching
Program List
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Early Childhood/Elementary Authorization
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Middle and Secondary Authorization
- All official student teaching handbooks distributed to teacher candidates, university supervisors, and cooperating teachers for the programs listed above. If the same handbook is distributed to these groups, please send it. If different handbooks are sent out to each of these groups, please send all of them.
- Handbooks intended to serve as guides to the overall teacher education program for students (if they are different from the student teaching handbooks);
- Department of Teacher Education handbook of general policies and practices (may be intended primarily for faculty and is different from the student teaching handbooks and general handbooks for students);
- Syllabi for the student teaching courses and/or accompanying seminar course
EDST 607 - Seminar
EDST 609 - Student Teaching
EDST 609 - Student Teaching
- A blank copy of any letter, or other document, which is sent to principals or districts specifying minimum criteria for cooperating teachers and/or explaining the process by which cooperating teachers are selected.
- A blank copy of any forms or applications which principals or districts return to you to provide information about cooperating teachers.
- A blank copy of any forms or applications completed by prospective cooperating teachers and returned to the program.
Secondary Methods
Program List
Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching with Middle and Secondary Authorization
- We have identified the following secondary English and mathematics methods courses from the program(s) above as relevant to the Secondary Methods standard. Please provide the syllabus from one specific section of each course, referring to the syllabus guidelines above.
EDST 609 - Practicum
EDST 621 - Representing Mathematical Concepts (Subject Matter Methods: Math)
EDST 622 - Mathematical Problem-Solving Curriculum (Subject Matter Methods: Math)
EDST 632 - Engaging Students in Writing (Subject Matter Methods: Language Arts)