Student directory information

Carr, Donald
Data Potentia LLC
Initial Request Date: 
Records Provided
Request Completion Date: 

Pursuant to ORS §192.314 et seq. (the "PRL"), I am writing to request copies of the Directory Information below for all graduates of the University of Oregon from 1975 through Summer of 2020 to the extent that such records are kept in electronic record-keeping systems (subject to the limitations below):  

  • Student's full name
  • Mailing Address(es) (only requesting city/zip for US addresses and city/country for International addresses)
  • Permanent Address(es) (only requesting city/zip for US addresses and city/country for International addresses)
  • Enrollment status (e.g., full-time, half-time or less than half-time)
  • Dates of attendance (only requesting first and last date/term or year of attendance)
  • Majors
  • Minors
  • Degree(s) and Certificate(s) Received and date(s) earned

Honor(s) and Award(s) received

Request ID: 