I am writing to request all materials related to the University of Oregon’s Phil & Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact Building 2 procurement process, including the Proposal and Interview (both part of solicitation PCS #450000-01317 – RFP, dated 3/8/2024 and 5/31/2024, respectively).
I am interested in obtaining any documents, correspondence, reports, or other information pertaining to the evaluation, selection, and decision-making process involved in this proposal and interview.
Specifically, I request the following:
1. Any and all materials submitted by bidders.
2. Name of the awarded bidder.
3. Evaluation criteria and scoring rubrics used to assess proposals.
4. Minutes or records of any meetings or discussions related to the proposal process.
5. Any internal or external communications, including emails, memos, or letters, discussing the proposal.
6. Any final reports, summaries, or recommendations resulting from the proposal and interview process.