
DYK Media
DYK Media
Initial Request Date
Awaiting Payment from Requester
Request Completion Date

I am currently requesting;


  1. Documents that constitute or describe any post-eligibility degree completion program available to former varsity athletes.
  2. Documents that contain information on the total number of former athletes who have utilized a post-eligibility degree completion program since 2015.
  3. Documents that contain information on the amount of money spent on former athletes who have utilized a post-eligibility degree completion program since 2015.
  4. Documents that constitute or describe any post-eligibility medical care program available to former varsity athletes.
  5. Documents that contain information on the total number of former athletes who have utilized a post-eligibility medical care program since 2015.
  6. Documents that contain information on the amount of money spent on former athletes who have utilized a post-eligibility medical care program since 2015.
Request ID