Policy documents

Goodrich, Ellen
Student Law Press Center
Initial Request Date: 
Request Completion Date: 

Pursuant to the state open records law Or. Rev. Stat. §. 192.001, I write to request access to and acopy of materials related to the monitoring of sports betting by athletes and staff members andrecords pertaining to bets placed on competitions involving teams and athletes at the University ofOregon. Sports betting is defined as placing a wager on a sporting event, portion of a sportingevent, or the performance of an athlete.In particular, the records that I am requesting are:● Any policy related to sports betting for student athletes● Any policy related to sports betting for faculty and/or staff● Any contracts with third parties that assist in monitoring sports betting since January 2019● Any reports the school gets from the third-party monitoring entities and any alerts theymight have received since January 2019● Any correspondence between the school and regulators and/or law enforcement pertainingto possible violations or illegal conduct by athletes, staff or third parties since January 2019

Request ID: 