I am seeking data, in either printed or electronic form- electronic data would be preferred-on the background and demographic characte1istics of applicants seeking admission to your law school for the J.D. degree or its equivalent for the 2011-12 and 2012-13 admissions cycles. (By 2012-13, for example, I am referring to the admissions cycle that began last fall and led to the admission of first-year students entering in the fall of 2013). I am generally interested in the objective data your school systematically collects for use in admissions decisions. These include, if you collect this infonnation:
-LSAT Score;
- Undergraduate GPA;
- Undergraduate college;
- Ethnicity or Hispanic origin;
-Parent's income (in any reported categories);
- Parent's occupation;
-Highest level of education achieved by a parent, or father's educational attainment and mother's educational attainment;
-Whether the student lives in a single parent household;
- State residency status;
-Whether the student has parents who are alumni/ae of your school;
-Any numerical admissions index used in making admissions decisions;
-Was the applicant accepted?
-Did the applicant enroll?
In addition to the specific data, I would like copies of admissions policies or background materials on how this information is used in admissions decisions. For example, I am interested in how your institution handles applicants with multiple scores on the LSAT; the adjustment method you use (if any) for undergraduate grades; whether the strength of an applicant's undergraduate school is a factor in admissions, and so on.
Many institutions have, in recent years and under prodding from Supreme Court decisions in Grutter v. Bollinger and, more recently, Fisher v. University of Texas, created policies that describe how race is used as a factor in admissions, and the university's rationale for considering race. These policies often discuss race-neutral policies the university has considered and plans the institution has undertaken for phasing out the consideration of race. I would like to receive copies of any policy or study document of this type the university has developed or produced.
Of course, I am not interested in any data which could be used to identify individual applicants. At the same time, I want to be clear that the data I am requesting individual-level data, not data aggregated by groups. To ensure that individual candidates cannot be identified names, addresses, and similar identifying data should be removed. If the data that I request is in alphabetical order by the candidate name it may be helpful to change this order to further ensure the privacy of individual applicants.
Law School Admissions info
Sander, Richard
Initial Request Date
Records Provided
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