Faculty demographic data

Alvarado, Karen
Initial Request Date
Records Exempt From Disclosure
Request Completion Date

I contacted the EEO/AA office regarding data in the UO Affirmative Action Plan. 

Data in the Affirmative Action Plan are comprised of fairly gross aggregates and displayed only by percentages.


 I am interested in greater detail.   Specifically, I would like information on FACULTY by tenured, tenure track, and by temporary/non-tenure track.  I would also like information  broken out by professor, associate professor, assistant professor and instructor rank.  This information should delineate each group by race and gender, and by number.   This information should be for the total faculty employed by the University.  It is not necessary to generate data by school or department.


I have been told by Institutional Research that these figures are available.


Also, I am interested in knowing what data you use for your availability statistics.  I understand you are using NCES  figures.

Are you using these data as snapshot for degrees granted in one year, or are you aggregating these data to reflect a number of years?  For example, are your availability figures based upon PhDs granted in a particular field for the preceding three years or only for the nearest graduation cycle?