Ziemer, Dennis
American Federation of Teachers
Initial Request Date
Request Completion Date
Pursuant to the Oregon Public Records Law, O.R.S. § 192.410 et seq. I hereby request access to the following public records:
Please include any individuals in the categories listed below who were employed at the University of Oregon as of May 31, 2010.
This request is for the names of employees who are research related, such as Post Doctoral Research Instructors (Post Docs) and any other research-related job title. This would include, but not be limited to:
• Post Doctoral Research Instructors
• Post Doctoral Research Associate
• Adjunct Research Assistant
• Adjunct Research Associate
• Adjunct Research Technician
• Associate Director, Research
• CES Research Assistant
• EWP Research Associate
• Institutional Research Analyst
• Lab Research Assistant
• Research Assistant
• Senior Research Assistant
• Senior Research Associate
• Any other research-related position in the unclassified unit of employees at the University of Oregon
In addition to the job titles listed above, the following information is requested.
• Employee first and last names, with middle initial.
• Email address
• Building of the employee’s office or work place
• Work phone number.
Also requested for each employee are the following database fields which are commonly used by the University of Oregon
• Academic title
• Job type (primary, secondary or other)
• Job Start date
• Length or term of service
• Length of contract or expected length of service, if applicable
• Employee’s primary job or activity (assuming they may have more than one.)
• Employee’s secondary job or activity, tertiary, etc.
• Home Department
• Rank
• Rank date
• Pay Department (along with explanation of codes, if any)
• Annual Salary rate
• Appointment percentage (an explanation of this if there is more than one appointment)
• Job Status
• Job End Date
• Appointment status
• EEO Category
• Designation of status as part-time or less than .5 FTE, adjunct, etc
• Definition of the terms used in the designation, (e.g. Part-time = less than full time, but .5 FTE or more is considered full-time).
• Name of the Principle Investigator assigned
I request that the records be provided in an electronic format that can be imported into Microsoft Excel which could be provided on some form of data media, including email.