
Gillen, Thomas
The Buckeye Institute
Initial Request Date
Requesting/Reviewing Records

Pursuant to Oregon’s Public Records Act, ORS 192.311 et seq, please provide the following
public records:
For the purposes of these requests, “document” means any and all information in tangible
form, of any nature whatsoever, including the originals and all non-identical copies thereof, in
your possession, custody or control, including all letters, emails, correspondence, text messages,
contracts, drafts, agreements, notes to files, reports, memoranda, mechanical and electronic
recordings, tapes, or transcripts, information stored in computers or other data storage or
processing equipment translated or translatable into a usable form, calendar or diary entries,
memoranda of conversations, telephonic or otherwise, and of meetings or conferences.
The terms “relate,” “relating,” or “relative to,” as used herein, shall mean referring to, relating to,
embodying, connected with, commenting on, responding to, supporting, showing, describing,
analyzing, discussing, reflecting, or constituting.
The time frame for this request is January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2023.
1.) Documents relating the University of Oregon School of Law’s American Bar Association
(ABA) accredited status.
2.) Documents provided to the ABA to maintain or support the School of Law’s accredited status.
3.) Documents prepared for, or provided to, the ABA in relation to the ABA’s February 2023
“Notice of finding of significant noncompliance with standard 206” issued March 13th 2023.
4.) Any and all correspondence either internally, with the ABA, or any other party, regarding the
ABA’s February 2023 “Notice of finding of significant noncompliance with standard 206”
issued March 13th 2023.
5.) Any and all correspondence either internally, with the ABA, or any other party, regarding the
School of Law’s accreditation process, accreditation status, or discussing the School’s
accreditation generally.

Request ID