Contracts and correspondence

Dahman, Samir
Initial Request Date: 
Request Completion Date: 

Under Oregon Public Records Law, §192.410 et seq., I am requesting copies of records
that relate to all potential sources of information related to Mr. Spielman’s case that are within your
possession, custody, or control. This includes, but is not limited to, the following over the last 10 years:

 All contracts between your athletic department and IMG or Nike;
 All records of payment, including receipts, breakdowns, checks, etc., between your University and IMG or Nike;
 All marketing programs IMG participated in or sponsored with your University;
 All cloud or otherwise shared drives between your athletic department and IMG or Nike;
 All instances of name, image or likeness (“NIL”) of current or former football players from your University transmitted between your athletic department and IMG or Nike;
 All emails between your athletic department and IMG or Nike relating to the NIL of current or former football players from your University; and
 Anything produced by IMG or Nike containing the NIL of any current or former football player from your University.

Request ID: 