
Luberda, Ed
Initial Request Date: 

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION request for PAST BID RESULTS from the LAST time this project was bid upon. We are asking for history on the referenced project below. Please email the archived Bid Tabulation (including past unit prices, names and addresses of bidders) along with the previous Award of Contract specifying who won this project whenever it was last bid upon...

This is for reference only. The bid has not opened yet. We are asking for the bid results the last time this referenced bid was actually bid upon. For example if this was last bid upon 12 months ago then that is the information we are requesting. If this was last bid upon 24 months ago then that is the information we are requesting...and so on.

Bid Title: Print and Mail Oregon Quarterly Magazine

Bid due date: 12-15-17

Reference: PCS 520200 00117 RFPO

Thank you kindly for your cooperation. I assume because this is public information it is public for anyone. 

Request ID: 