Athletics Payments to Scouting Agencies

Schroeder, George
Initial Request Date
Request Completion Date
Under Oregon’s open records law, I request copies of all invoices, receipts and checks associated with the following transactions (fyi, this first part mirrors a request made by Sports Illustrated earlier today: From the 2009-10 fiscal year (taken from the UO expenditure report maintained on the state of Oregon website): Books Publication & Other Ref. CA Gary S Howard/NorCal Scouting $8,000.00 Books Publication & Other Ref. CA Richard Lascola/dba Scouting Evalua $2,600.00 Books Publication & Other Ref. CO PrepTracker LLC $1,995.00 Books Publication & Other Ref. NC David M Telep/dba Dave Telep Scouti $500.00 From the 2008-09 fiscal year (taken from the UO expenditure report maintained on the state of Oregon website): Books Publication & Other Ref. Mat.,CA,"Gary S Howard/NorCal Scouting,"," $18,000.00 " Books Publication & Other Ref. Mat.,CA,"Richard Lascola/dba Scouting Evaluation Association/SEA,"," $17,010.00 " Books Publication & Other Ref. Mat.,CA,"Henry Bell/dba B2G Scouting Services,"," $5,000.00 " Misc Prepaid Exp,FL,"Charles Fishbein/dba Elite Scouting Services,"," $10,000.00 " Books Publication & Other Ref. Mat.,FL,"Charles Fishbein/dba Elite Scouting Services,"," $6,500.00 " Books Publication & Other Ref. Mat.,CO,"Streamline Football Scouting LLC,"," $1,046.50 " Books Publication & Other Ref. Mat.,CA,"James D Escarcega/dba SGV/IE Scouting Service,", $500.00 Books Publication & Other Ref. Mat.,NC,"Robert A Gibbons/dba All Star Sports Publications,", $500.00 Subscriptions,NC,"David M Telep/dba Dave Telep Scouting Services LLC,"," $1,000.00 " Subscriptions,TN,"JBS Sports Inc/dba,", $995.00 Subscriptions,CO,"PrepTracker LLC,"," $1,895.00 *** * I also request any records of the Oregon football program's financial transactions with "scouting services" from the fiscal years 2005-2010.