Mirror request for PRR Listing

Harbaugh, Bill
Initial Request Date: 
Records Provided
Request Completion Date: 

Mirror Umana request for :Pursuant to the state open records law, Or. Rev. Stat. Secs. 192.410 to 192.505, I write to request access to records of your FOIA requests in the past year. Included in the breakdown should be the following:  1. A log, report, spreadsheet or other compilation that includes the following information about public records requests submitted to the university during 2013: a. Date of each request's receipt b. Date of each request's fulfillment (or rejection#, the date on which the request was regarded as closed, if applicable c. Amount charged #and if available, number of pages produced) If no such documents exist, please provide:a. copy of each public records request submitted during 2013 and the cover letter/email transmitting the final response. 2. Any statistical reports or audits from the past 5 years concerning university public records requests.3. The fee schedule applicable to all public records requests.