"We are currently working on a university-approved research project detailing how public universities have responded to the Title IX “Dear Colleague” letter that was issued in 2011. We are part of a research team, including two university professors and student research assistants. This is part of a larger research project on how legal activists and universities use Title IX to confront campus sexual violence. We know that universities are concerned about sexual violence on campus, and that effective responses to sexual violence are important to making students feel safe and welcome on campus. We have been collecting information concerning how many university administrators and staff are working on issues related to campus sexual assault and Title IX, including not only Title IX coordinators, but also support and outreach staff (e.g., outreach educators, specialized counseling or nursing staff, and support staff who work with the Title IX coordinator). We are hoping to gather a bit more information that unfortunately is not easily accessible on your university website or your state’s publicly available budgetary website. This information will give us a window into how each school allocates resources to help create a safe place for students, and we would greatly appreciate any data on this issue that you are willing to provide to us. The information that we are looking to collect is the following: • The 2017-2018 department budget related to Title IX and campus sexual violence • The 2017-2018 department budget allocation for Title IX services, education and personnel • The previous five year’s department budgets related to Title IX and Campus sexual violence The results of this study may ultimately provide greater knowledge for universities as they seek to further refine their approaches to Title IX and campus sexual violence. We know that the school year has just started or will be starting soon for your university, and that this is a busy time of year for most of us. Thank you for taking the time to collect and send this information to us. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have about the request."
McQuay, Brian
University of Washington
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