
Kendoll, Cynthia
Initial Request Date: 
Records Provided
Request Completion Date: 
  1. We would like to see any and all agreements that MEChA has with the UO as a university organization and we encourage the UO to enforce its antidiscrimination policies against all discriminatory groups who focus their attacks on the race, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs or the like, including, but not limited to, MEChA.
  2. We demand to see a copy of the full, unredacted letter that was sent to you by MEChA and a written summary of all communications between the UO, the UO GC’s Office and your law firm relating thereto.
  3. We demand to see all communication between your firm and the Register Guard relating to this matter.
  4. Coordination between the UO Office of General Counsel, MEChA and Your Firm. From the tone of the Article, it is fairly apparent that the OU GC’s Office, MEChA and your firm, coordinated the preparation of Your Letter, its release to the Register Guard, the quotation of UO MEChA student Carina Garcia and UO spokesman Tobin Klinger and the work of your law firm. If I am wrong, please let me know otherwise.
  5. We demand to see all documentation and records of all telephone calls between all of the entities listed above relating to this matter.
  6. In addition, we would like to know whether any of the above entities have had any contacts either through e-mails, mail, telephone, texts or the like with the Southern Poverty Law Center related to Your Letter.
Request ID: 